Legal notices


Siret: 752 793 356 RCS Boulogne-sur-mer

Code APE: 2012 B 00493

N ° VAT: FR84752793356

Social Siège:

Croisement Avenue de l’Atlantique et Avenue Louis Aboudaram 62520 LE TOUQUET
59000 Ville

Tél. : 06 85 61 98 71


Nom et fonction du responsable:

Responsable of publication:


Site hosting is provided by the company:
2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix
Tel. : 08 203 203 63

Responsable of publication:

In accordance of the law “Informatique et Libertés” of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004, any time you have a right of access to the data you have provided to us and can modify or delete them by contacting us at the address

Intellectual Property:

This website is the property of HAEC OTIA . The Website is intended to provide information on the activity s and services company HAEC OTIA .

Content of site texts, photos, graphics and other elements of the site are the exclusive property of HAEC OTIA and are protected by copyright. Any total or partial reproduction of content is prohibited without the consent of the author. Consultation website HAEC OTIA implies unconditional acceptance of these terms of use.